Ответственный редактор: Dmitriy Maryasis, Sergey Melkonyan, Elizaveta Iakimova
Научный редактор: Elena Nosenko-Stein
The Outlines of Transformations in Politics, Diplomacy and Society of The State of Israel
Москва '2022
Ответственный редактор: Dmitriy Maryasis
A view from the outside: Russian Experts About Modern Israel
Москва '2021
Редакционная коллегия: Dmitriy Maryasis
Orientalistica Iuvenile. Collection of Scientific Articles by Young Researchers of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. IV
Москва '2015
Редактор: Tatiana Karasova
Russian and Israeli Outlooks on Current Developments in the Middle East. Conference Proceedings. Memorandum № 147. June 2015.
Тель-Авив '2015
Редактор: Aleksandr Lokshin
Составитель: Aleksandr Lokshin
The Jews in Russia. Unknown Facts of the Well-known History
Москва '2015
Ответственный редактор: Tatiana Karasova
Israel. Historical Experience and Trends of Modern Development. Collection of Articles
Москва '2015
Tatiana Nosenko, Nina Semenchenko
The Vain Enmity The Story of the Soviet-Israeli Relations 1948-1991
Москва '2015
Radical Islam as a Threat 1 to Israeli Security. Israeli Reaction to “Islamic State” // Otsenki i Idei. Newsletter of the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. Vol 1, № 7, August 2015
Москва '2015